Thursday, January 26, 2017

Professional Development

A New Kind of Training – Responding Well To Others Is A Skill: Buoyancy

There may not be a word in the dictionary for the relational skill we want to target today, so let’s borrow a word from physics. We’ll call this relational skill “buoyancy.”

What’s buoyancy? Well, it’s a word that can help us capture the thing one can do when coworkers are feeling stressed, people are frustrated and venting, and a simple remark can disarm and lift the situation a little bit. A simple, skillful remark can play a small but substantive role in keeping a stressful situation afloat and help us dial in and do the work that needs to get done.

Here are a couple scenarios to illustrate:

Can you glimpse now what is meant by being “buoyant?” It’s a skill and a choice, and it fights against what can seem like a very natural gravity of negativity and frustration.

BuoyancyThere is something important to note, though. If you’re at all like me, reading those two little examples has a bit of a cheese factor. Frankly, words like that generally don’t affect my outlook or feelings in a given situation. However, being a student of relational skills, I can conclusively say this: I have observed that words of encouragement tend to not affect me strongly, yet I have also observed that words of encouragement—even very simple-yet-sincere words like in those two examples—affect some people more strongly than I would have guessed.

In short, words affect people differently. Not everyone responds to words in the same way with the same degree of power. Any student of relational skills must internalize this and be willing to learn those skills which will impact others, even though it may not impact oneself as much. For some people, a little statement of encouragement can really shift their internal needle from frustrated and dejected to “okay, we can do this. It’s not so bad.”

Finally, as with all these relational skills we explore in A New Kind of Training, to learn and practice and develop this skill of “buoyancy” will make you more desirable to have on a team and your team will be more effective, just as if you were to deepen any other area of your professional expertise. Plus, it’s low hanging fruit, so get on with it already! Is there a scenario going on right now in your workplace where you can skillfully craft your words to be buoyant?


Todd Steen
Kristie GraySmith
Jackson offices