Thursday, April 28, 2022

Brand Marketing, Motorsports Marketing

One Agency, Two Areas of Expertise

Whether talking to your customers, associates or your significant other, setting expectations is important. Don’t believe us? Just wait till you miss that first expectation….

So let’s set your expectations:

First off, this blog is going to be quick because we know your free time doesn’t exist.

Second, Jackson is different. No, not in a “they’re…different” type of way. Just unique.

What makes us unique is that we are one marketing company that offers two areas of expertise: Brand Marketing and Motorsports Marketing.

Brand marketing builds brands with strategic, creative ideas and insights. Motorsports marketing does the same but leverages the racetrack to amplify brands.

Some clients use both areas of expertise—and some use one. Many of our service areas cross over, such as branding, social & PR, and consulting. But some are unique to each expertise.

brand motorsports marketing

Third, we are not a specialty shop. If we only created websites and advertising solutions, then every answer to every problem would be websites or advertising. While you are trying to choose a partner out of the 24,878 marketing agencies out there, we know you are looking for an extension of your team. That’s who we are!

At Jackson, we’re a fully integrated marketing communication company that is devoted to solving complex branding problems with custom insights, ideas and solutions. That’s right, no prepackaged plans, campaigns or roadshows. We get to know your company, culture, product and target market to give you a personalized plan for success.

If you’re ready to take your brand to the next level, our team can take the governor off your brand’s engine. Don’t wait till the next trade show or track day, let’s talk!

The best way to get to know us is to come in for a tour. Here’s just a taste of what you might see.

P.S. We promised we would keep this short.


Todd Steen
Kristie GraySmith
Jackson offices